A banished detective. A body drained of blood. Mexico’s vampires are all too human.
After graduating from Harvard, Artemas Salcido is determined to transform Mexico’s justice system and joins the federal police. He begins solving crimes committed by the rich and powerful and is banished to the village of Bustamante.
On a college field trip to Bustamante’s nearby caverns, the daughter of a US senator is brutally murdered. The FBI, the international media, and a Mexican hit squad tasked with making the problem go away descend on the village. When Mexico’s attorney general tells Artemas his career depends on his cooperation, Artemas realizes his life is at stake.
As other grisly murders occur, Artemas’s investigation uncovers an ancient blood cult connected to a powerful financial cabal that stretches from mediaeval Europe to Mexico's most influential politicians and businessmen. When he disputes his violent colleagues’ bogus solution to the crime, Artemas is marked for death.
Can Artemas’s determination to bring fairness to Mexico’s justice system prevail against the overwhelming power of his government—or will it prove fatal…?
Unique Mystery Thriller - "All of the characters are richly drawn and the story line has enough twists and turns to keep you guessing all the way through this exciting read. Artemas, the local Federal protagonist, is such a standout character that I suspect we will see him in future Peyton thrillers. At least I hope so." - Bill Stephens
South of the Border Intrigue = Great Read - "Clearly the author has done extensive research to produce a novel that brings the landscape and culture to life. Equally compelling is the author's insight into the corruption and dirty politics that complicate the justice system in Mexico. I can't wait for more! This novel begs to be a series." - Lily Salter
Thrilling and Interesting Read - "This was a compelling and exciting story. It was also interesting as it contained many references to local culture in Mexico. The plot was not simple and contained many surprising twists. Also, it had an authentic feel of someone who was familiar with beliefs and behaviors both the Mexican and American participants. Great fun, sorry to have finished it would like it to go on longer." - Donald J. Gordon, MD
Fast-paced Mystery -"I recommend this book to any mystery fan, as well as anyone wanting learn a bit about the culture(s) of Mexico. The reader will encounter phases of life and lifestyle the average American does not know exist south of the border. I was taken with Mr. Peyton's insights on Mexican law enforcement. I've puzzled over that aspect of Mexican society for decades, and now have new avenues for consideration." - William B. Kaliher
Heart-stopping Suspense - "The plot hurtles along, involving a powerful and wealthy family concealing an ancient blood cult, multiple murders, Artemas' college love: beautiful Laffi Rendón, now a top news reporter, and another unexpected character, the sinister caves in the mountains behind Bustamante." - Style Hawk
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